Mensa Bylaws
I. Name
II. Membership
III. Officers and Duties
IV. Elections
V. Meetings
VI. Amendments
bylaws conform to the March 25, 2007 minimum standards established by American Mensa Limited, and were approved by the Bylaws Committee on January 8, 2008.]
The name of this
organization shall be Tidewater Mensa.
Tidewater Mensa is a local group of American Mensa, Ltd., and is subject to the Constitution of Mensa, the bylaws of American Mensa, Ltd., and the resolutions adopted by the American Mensa Committee. American Mensa, Ltd., is herein abbreviated as "AML," the American Mensa Committee as "AMC" and Tidewater Mensa as "TM."
AML has granted a royalty free, non-exclusive license to TM for the use of the mark "Mensa" and a logo, consisting of a globe over a styled "M" within a border, in connection with the non-commercial uses of TM. AML retains full ownership of the mark and logo and all statutory and common law rights in the mark and logo.
Membership in TM shall be open to all Mensa members in good standing in the geographic areas assigned by the AMC, or as otherwise assigned by AML.
Mensa members in good standing who are not members of TM are welcome to participate in the social activities of TM at the discretion of the host or hostess, but may not vote, hold office, or participate in business activities of TM unless they represent the National Ombudsman or their surrogate, are members of the AMC in the discharge of their responsibilities, or at the invitation of the Executive Committee of TM.
"Membership of TM,"
where used herein, shall be determined by using the most recent roster provided by AML as a measure of membership and membership count.
In accordance with the BYLAWS OF AMERICAN MENSA, Tidewater Mensa can request members to contribute dues to Tidewater Mensa above the dues paid to National. The dues requested by Tidewater Mensa are voluntary. Specifically, failure to pay the requested local dues shall not exclude members from participating in local elections, local business meetings, or other Tidewater Mensa functions. The Treasurer may publish the names of those who do contribute, but that will be the sole distinction made between those who contribute voluntarily and those who do not.
TM shall observe the preferences of members for data suppression and publication, as filed with AML, when publishing a local group roster or membership directory/register.
All elected officers of TM shall be members in good standing of both AML and TM, as evidenced by the most recent roster from AML. All appointed officers of TM shall be members in good standing of AML, as evidenced by the most recent roster from AML. An officer is defined as any person who is given a title with specific responsibilities.
The elected officers of TM shall consist of an Executive Committee, which conducts the business of TM, as follows:
There will be a minimum of three
In addition
to the above minimum, there will be one
additional officer for each 50
In the event that the number
of officers resulting from (1) and (2) above
is an even number, there shall be one
Within seven days of the election, the new Executive Committee shall meet and choose from among themselves a LocSec/President, who shall be the Chief Executive Officer and the liaison with other local groups, AML, and the Tidewater community. The LocSec/President shall notify AML and the Regional Vice Chairman for TM of the results of elections, and any changes in the officers of TM during the term, within two weeks of the change.
The Executive Committee shall also appoint from among themselves a Vice LocSec/Vice President, who shall assist the LocSec in administering the business of the organization, preside in the temporary absence of the LocSec, and succeed to the office of LocSec should that office become vacant. At the discretion of the Executive Committee, the office of Vice LocSec may remain vacant until the next election.
The Executive Committee shall also appoint from among themselves a treasurer.
The Treasurer shall maintain a checking account in the name of TM. All accounts must be in the name of TM, and shall have more than one signatory so that funds can be accessed in the temporary absence of the Treasurer. At least quarterly, the Treasurer shall submit to the LocSec/President or his or her designee statements from banks and any other institutions where TM’s money is deposited, or shall cause a statement to be sent directly to the LocSec/President or his or her designee (who must also be a voting member of the Executive Committee). Accurate records shall be maintained and, at intervals not to exceed six months, the Treasurer shall produce a written report for the TM newsletter containing a listing of income and expenses. The report shall also include the balance of all funds under the jurisdiction of TM, including Regional Gathering, scholarship, and any other special funds. The treasurer of these funds, if different from the Treasurer of TM, shall make such information available to the Treasurer of TM. The Treasurer shall also maintain a list of equipment owned by TM.
Treasurer shall succeed to the office of
LocSec should that office and the office of
Vice LocSec become vacant.
In addition to the above officers, the Executive Committee shall choose, not necessarily from among themselves, an Editor for the TM newsletter who shall be responsible to the Executive Committee, and an Ombudsman.
The Editor of the TM newsletter shall edit and produce a printed newsletter at least quarterly. The Executive Committee is the publisher of the newsletter. The newsletter shall include, as a minimum, a monthly activities calendar and periodic financial reports as received from the Treasurer. The date of publication for each issue shall be the first day of the month for that issue. If an electronic version of the newsletter is also created, the printed version shall nevertheless be the version to be sent to members unless they request otherwise.
The Ombudsman shall serve as a mediator for disputes within TM, and shall be an arbitrator available to serve as a representative to a Regional Hearings Committee. The Ombudsman, and the National Ombudsman, may submit matter to the Editor marked “for publication” that relates to his or her official duties; anything so marked shall be given the highest practicable priority for publication.
In addition to the above officers, the Executive Committee shall choose, not necessarily from among themselves, any other officers which they feel are necessary or advisable for the local group. Those officers may include, but are not limited to, Scholarship Chair, Test Coordinator, Gifted Children's Coordinator, RG Committee Chair, SIG Coordinator, or any others, all of whom shall be responsible to the Executive Committee.
An annual financial review shall be conducted each year at approximately twelve-month intervals. The Executive Committee shall appoint someone to conduct the review who was not involved in the issuing or collecting of money during the period being reviewed. The review shall include viewing actual statements from banks and any other institutions where the group's money was held during the period being reviewed.
Appointed officers who are not also elected officers shall not be voting members of the Executive Committee, except when appointed to serve out the remainder of the term of an elected officer who has resigned or been removed from office.
The term of office of both elected and
appointed officials shall expire on May 31 of
each year, with the new Executive Committee
taking office on June
officers, elected or appointed, shall turn
over all files, office equipment, and other
materials to either their successor(s), the
current LocSec, or to another Executive
Committee member within two weeks of leaving
The outgoing LocSec shall
write a letter to the Local Groups Liaison of
American Mensa, Ltd., to be postmarked no
later than May 25, giving the results of the
election, and including the name and address
of the new
Elected officers may be removed from office by reason of resignation or a recall election. A recall election may be called by a petition signed by twenty-five percent (25%) of the membership of TM, and citing reasons for such action. The balloting procedures used in regular elections shall apply (see Article IV) except that a recall election must be held within 90 days of presentation of a properly qualified petition, which shall be presented to the Executive Committee at either a regular or special Executive Committee meeting.
If an office is vacant, the Executive Committee shall appoint a new officer to serve the remainder of the term. A replacement for an elected officer is considered to be an elected officer whose term of office ends with the next regular election.
Any elected officer who misses three consecutive regular Executive Committee meetings, without a reason acceptable to a majority of the Executive Committee, shall be removed from office, and the Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement to serve out the remainder of the term.
Appointed officers may be removed from office by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee shall decide among themselves which duties shall be the responsibility of each officer, except if such duties are stated in these bylaws.
No later than January 15 of each year, the Executive Committee shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of three members. This committee shall, no later than the deadline for the March newsletter, nominate at least as many qualified candidates as are required to make up the Executive Committee, with the number of Executive Committee positions being determined by applying the formula in section III.B of these bylaws to the size of the membership of TM as defined in section II.C of these bylaws. No member of the Nominating Committee shall be an elected officer or a candidate for office in the upcoming election. The membership of TM shall be notified of these nominations in the March issue of the TM newsletter, or by mail posted not later than March 1.
No later than March 15, the Executive Committee shall name an Election Committee of three members, who shall be responsible for conducting the election, receiving and counting the ballots and certifying the results. No member of the Election Committee shall be a member of the Executive Committee or candidate for elective office in that election. The Election Committee may, however, be the same as the Nominating Committee.
No later than April 1, additional nominations may be made by petition of no less than five percent (5%) of the membership of TM and delivered to the Chair of the Election Committee.
Ballots shall be printed in the May TM newsletter, or mailed to all members of TM, posted no later than May 1. Elections shall be at the regular May membership meeting. Ballots may be delivered to the meeting by any means the members shall choose, i.e. in person, by proxy, or by mailing to the Election Committee Chair. Ballots received after the regular May meeting will not be counted. Ballots shall be counted by all members of the Election Committee, except that in the absence of a member of the Election Committee, the Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement under the same guidelines as were used to appoint the original Election Committee.
The Chairman of the Election Committee shall certify the results of the election to the LocSec, who shall have the election results published in the next issue of the TM newsletter. Ballots shall be retained for a minimum of thirty (30) days for possible examination by any member of TM.
All meetings shall be open to
the general membership and invited guests, but only
members of TM may participate in any business under
For the purpose of conducting any business, a
majority of the Executive Committee shall be
Regular membership meetings of TM shall be held monthly at a time and place to be determined by the Executive Committee and published in the TM newsletter.
Special meetings may be called at any time by the Executive Committee of its own volition, or upon receipt of the petition signed by no less than five percent (5%) of the membership of TM. Time and place of the special meetings shall be published in the TM newsletter when timing permits. The agenda for special meetings shall include only that business for which the meeting is called.
The time and place of regular Executive Committee meetings shall be published in the TM newsletter. At least one Executive Committee meeting shall be held in each calendar quarter. All Executive Committee meetings shall be open to the general membership.
Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed by a petition signed by no less than five percent (5%) of the membership of TM and presented to the Executive Committee at a regular Executive Committee meeting. The Executive Committee may also itself propose amendments to these bylaws by voice vote at a regular ExComm meeting. Within one week of receipt of the petition or of an ExComm-proposed amendment, the LocSec shall forward the proposal to the AMC for approval to put the proposal to a ballot of TM’s membership.
Upon receipt of approval of the AMC to ballot, the proposed amendment(s) shall be published in the next issue of the TM newsletter along with a ballot. Ballots must be received by the LocSec within ninety-one (91) days following the publication date of that newsletter. An amendment to the bylaws shall require a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of all those voting and the final approval of the AMC and filing of the revised bylaws with the national Bylaws Committee following the vote of the membership. The Bylaws Committee will tell TM the effective date of the bylaws as amended.
Ballots shall be retained for thirty (30) days for possible examination by any TM member.